Mastering the Mindset

You're Being Watched 👀

August 05, 2024 • Darius Dotch

Your everyday actions have an affect on others. We can sometimes forget that we inspire people even when we don't realize they're watching. You have an influence on others by showing up for yourself. The ripple effect from you being your authentic self as you go after goals and dreams impacts those around you. Ask yourself this question- "Do you personally know people that are an inspiration to you and they don't even know it?" Really think about it. If the answer is yes...then guess what? You just might be that inspiration to someone else. So keep going. Let's dive in

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Speaker 1:

What's up everybody and thank you for listening to Mastering the Mindset. My name is Darius Dodge and I'm an actor, hip-hop artist and fitness and life coach. I'm here to personally help you train and improve your mindset so that you can, one, become the best version of yourself mentally and, two, gain focus and motivation to be able to take action and achieve the success in life that you want and deserve. Before we get started, please like and subscribe to my channel. And at the success in life that you want and deserve. Before we get started, please like and subscribe to my channel. And at the end of this episode, if you liked it, please share it with a friend or a loved one or someone who would benefit from hearing this message. I'm so glad you'all are here today. If you are on YouTube, go ahead and like and subscribe to my channel. If you listen to me on the podcast platform, be sure to leave a review for me and also please make a donation. Like I always say, all of these things are greatly appreciated and they help me keep this thing going for y'all, but let's go ahead and jump in. I'm glad you're here for this one. It's going to be a really good one. We're going to talk about how you showing up for yourself, maybe even in this exact moment, is impacting someone's life, especially if you're in the season right now but you feel like you might not be making progress or the progress you want to, or you know in your goals that you've been working towards.

Speaker 1:

So let me start by telling you about this video I saw and the point this guy was making with what he did. So in the video, a guy by the name of Pace Morby. He's big in real estate and finance entrepreneur, famous business dude, and he posted this video of him holding up his daughter, a baby only a few months old, and he was at. He has his audience at his event and I'm assuming it's a speaking event or coaching event and he asked the audience what do you think my daughter is going to do if all of you start clapping right now? And they said, well, she's probably going to start clapping. And yep, that's exactly what the baby did. Everybody started clapping and she started clapping too. It was cute viral video, all the views, all that but the point he went on to make was and what I think is important for this episode he starts talking about how our environment does impact us, even in a subtle way, how it affects us by what others do and also by the energy around us. Because he didn't tell his daughter to start clapping, she just started mimicking people around her.

Speaker 1:

And we can get caught up in a thought and we tell ourselves this false story that how we show up for ourselves, how we show up for our life, that it doesn't affect other people. And we're wrong about that. We're wrong Because, honestly, you showing up for yourself, you with your level of energy and optimistic attitude, you showing up as your authentic self or just being somebody who is a nice person, you stand for something, you go after goals. That does impact other people. And how you show up for your goals, the dreams you have, that impacts people as well, and let me prove it to you. Let me ask you a question Do you have anybody that you're inspired by that doesn't even know you're watching? Let me ask you again Do you have anybody that you're inspired by that doesn't even know that you're watching them? Think about it, and I ain't talking about celebrities or content creators on social media who got millions of followers and fans and all that, but folks you really know that.

Speaker 1:

You know personally, for me, I have a few. There's one friend I have. She's been getting it in. She's from the South. She came up here to work, lived here for a few years and I think she liked it too much, ended up moving back and she used to be in corporate, work in corporate and I forget which company, but it was one of those ones that has their headquarters here in Minnesota. And if you don't live in Minnesota, there's a bunch of big companies that have their headquarters here, like General Mills, target, medtronic, boston Scientific, 3m, best Buy. Anyway, she started out on her entrepreneur journey. She decided to leave corporate, do her own thing, and at first she was doing yoga. Then she started her online yoga thing and at first she was doing yoga, then she started her online yoga thing. Then I kind of transitioned into her having a podcast and a business talking about quitting your corporate job and starting your own business, and she has made a business out of that. And every time I look up, she has shown so much growth and I'm so proud of her and really inspired by her. She's growing. Her following, her content is getting better and better. She has it together. I see her and I want to get like her. Her content is getting better and better. She has it together. I see her and I want to get like her. Her business is successful and I see her stuff and it makes me want to go even harder, not to mention I'm just genuinely happy for her. So that's one example.

Speaker 1:

In music, one of the folks that really motivates me, and they don't even know, is Jameesia Bennett, and if you live in Minnesota then you know exactly who this person is and you probably know exactly why she motivates me. And for those of y'all who don't know her, man, jamicia is a powerhouse of a singer, multiple Grammy Award winner. She's a local celebrity, a businesswoman. She owns three restaurants. She's always performing somewhere, she's constantly booked and it's a straight force Like her. Singing is so damn good. She's one of the biggest artists here in Minnesota and just watching her and all the things she got going on with her business, watching her do music and music videos and getting booked to perform live and she does theater you can see why I see her and it makes me want to step my game up. It makes me see a future I could want to have so again.

Speaker 1:

People that inspire you, that don't even know you watching. Who is that for you? And maybe it's somebody you watch? Maybe there's. Maybe it's getting to slow down. I'm so excited about this episode. Maybe it's somebody you're watching going through their journey, right, maybe it's me. I know there's a woman I went to college with and she's been on her fitness journey and she wants to lose weight and she's been getting it in and I'm so proud of her. She posts a workout videos all the time. I love seeing it. I'm seeing her body change. I'm seeing her put in the work, seeing her show up for herself. I love it. So who is that for you?

Speaker 1:

And what I'm getting at is we need to understand and amplify the importance of knowing how us in our daily life, how we show for ourselves, does impact other people, and y'all know I'm all about goals and going after that life you love and deserve, and putting in the work to become the best version of yourself, to do that for yourself. But also, whether we realize it or not, there's a level of responsibility that we have that, by us showing up for ourselves and going after the things we go after and strive for, it's a responsibility we have because other people are watching us, even if you don't realize it and, look, I know one thing that we can't control is our external circumstances. There's always going to be things around you, around your external circumstances, that you just can't control. But one thing we can control every time is our attitude, our attitude towards how we show up, our effort, our effort. That's something we can always control. And one real cool feeling I have is when I find out that I'm inspiring people that I didn't know I was even reaching. Especially when I get those feelings that I'm not doing enough or that I'm not where I want to be, or how I miss this opportunity or that opportunity, or how small my social media following is, or how I hardly get any views on the things I post, how I can get stressed by going after all the things I'm going after right, from running a podcast, to my music, to my workout business, to my acting career, and how sometimes I feel like I ain't where I want to be with that. And, of course, I'm going to put in the effort. I'm going to put in the work, like we all do and I can say we, because, again, you are the kind of person listening to this podcast and I've been seeing success Right. I've been growing, both in terms of the things I accomplish and accolades, also mentally. But when I'm having these moments of feeling bad or down or like I'm not doing enough, and for somebody to tell me that I inspire them with who I am and what I'm doing, not only does it feel really good to know that hey, that's now. You're never as low as you think, you're never doing as bad as you think, but also it's a reminder that by me showing up for myself day in and day out, working towards all the things I'm working towards for myself, me showing up in life for myself is inspiring other people, because with all the things that I accomplished, it ain't like I just got lucky. No, I had to show up. This is episode. This is the 251st episode of this podcast.

Speaker 1:

I've been doing theater since I graduated college in 09. I've been making my own music for years now, started off with nothing but working and growing my workout business. For a few years now, since the pandemic, I've been putting in work right, putting my head down and figuring all this out as I go and as I go after the goals I have, and I hear people tell me how they see me doing great things. I realize it is not just about whatever goal I may accomplish or song I might put out or play. I mean, it's the consistency of me not quitting, of me continuing to do it. That's the part that's inspiring.

Speaker 1:

Inspiring and we forget that even when we're in the beginning stages of something and we just started it and we start working towards it, we forget that even right now somebody is watching you, just like we have those people that inspire us, that we watch, that we root for. Somebody is watching you too. If you got those folks out there that you that don't even know, you're watching them and they can be a source of inspiration for you, you better believe you are that for somebody else and maybe you're not giving yourself enough credit for that. Maybe you don't recognize that, that that's showing up and trying to work through and navigate this tough season in your marriage. Or you start at the beginning of a health and fitness journey and it's hard as hell for you to keep going. Or maybe you write in a book and dedicating all that time and effort that that takes.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you're in a season when you really been working on yourself, on your mental health journey, on you changing your old ways, on you reinventing yourself, going to therapy. There's a good chance that you got friends around you that don't even tell you that they're watching Somebody. Being able to see somebody like you specifically them being able to see you is important, and you doing these things for yourself and them seeing it is going to give them a reason to borrow some of that belief from you. That is possible for them, too, that, hey, I do need to work on myself. Hey, I do need to go ahead and finish that thing. I do need to get up and work on this and I get it.

Speaker 1:

We do get a boost of confidence or motivation to keep going and feel good about ourselves when we get that external validation right from other people, but we just have to know deep down inside ourselves and know that if you are watching people and getting inspiration from them and they don't know, then the reverse is also true, and this episode is definitely for me too. I can't tell you how many times I got to remind myself that it ain't all about likes and views, that there are people out there that I'm reaching that really need to see me and hear what I have to say, and I just got a nice little reminder that last week I actually probably got the most people telling me in one way or another that they love what I'm doing. Last week, that they give value out of the things I do, out of the things I post and say to keep going, that I'm doing big things, that I inspire them. Multiple folks told me that I help them get out of some really dark places and I help them really turn things around mentally and this whole time I'm thinking that I'm not being seen Right.

Speaker 1:

My point is trust and know you are making an impact by simply just being yourself and showing up for yourself and being the good kind of person you are, being growth minded. You wouldn't be listening to this podcast about if you weren't that kind of person. And you become a self-aware and working on yourself and figuring out the areas you need to improve and taking the action. You're becoming a better version of yourself and people are seeing that and these things you're doing they matter. So what type of energy do you want to show up in the world? With? What type of responsibility are you taking by showing up for your goals, even if you ain't making the progress you want to, and think about it, I guarantee you are inspired by somebody out there that you haven't even told yet and they haven't even hit their massive goal yet. They would still consider themselves a work in progress and it ain't like you waiting for them to accomplish some big end goal Right To feel the way you do about them. You inspire right now and they still have more goals to reach. So you are inspiring somebody out there. Embrace that fact. Embrace the way you raise the bar while you're going after what you're going after. You are capable and I'm excited for you and I believe in you. So be proud of yourself and proud of your progress and don't wait to celebrate until you get to the end goal. Don't rob yourself of the joy and fulfillment along the way and recognize the ripple effect you're making along the way. You're doing great things and people see you. So that's what I got for you today, man.

Speaker 1:

Thank you all again for listening to me. Again, if you are on YouTube, please like, subscribe. If you want a podcast platform, leave a review for me and make a donation. Those things are greatly appreciated and, like I always say on here, I want to make sure y'all get whatever I'm doing first. No matter what I got going on. I want to make sure y'all get to experience it first and, in keeping my word with that, I'm leaving in the description a link to my next video that I'm going to be dropping this week and you get to see it first. I'm going to make an unlisted YouTube link just for you to see it. I'm also going to drop the same song at the end of this. It's called I Am From. Give me a listen, give me a stream and also, when I do drop the video, please like and share and comment and all the things engage with it. But thank you so much and let's ride out.

Speaker 1:

I am from. I am from looking in the mirror and wanting to see more and talking to myself sometime. I am from waiting on me to be great and step up to the plate like an umpire. I am from working on patience and practicing my frustrations. I know I am perfect. I am from progress. I am from Louisiana 70812. Baton Rouge. I am from polishing my shoes from the summer to get ready for the first day of school. I am from jumping like catfish collard greens, fried chicken, shrimp, etouffee, crawfish and gumbo. Don't act like you don't know. Yeah, I can't be moving in slow-mo. I promise I'm through with the Popo. Yeah, I let that better me Public defender was trash. Convince me to take the plea Cause I was too scared of a felony. I am from doing it just like I better be. I am from knowing that this is my season. Everything happens for a reason. I am from keeping Keeping a hundred and never pretend to be something I couldn't believe in. I am from yeah, I am from uh. I am from thinking. I am from thinking too much. I am from drinking too much. I am from knowing that I am not sleeping enough. Got me wondering how am I keeping this up lately?

Speaker 1:

I am from reaching all the way down to the pit of my spirit. That way, when you hear it, you know that it's real. Ain't no disguise. I'm stripping off my sheep's clothing like I ain't from straight guys. I ain't from grinding like my father. I ain't from grieving over my mother. Want to be just like my big brothers, because family matters to a fresh prince and the good times make a different world.

Speaker 1:

I ain't from black culture. I ain't from living in color. I ain't from hip-hop and R&B, football and baseball and Sega, nintendo and Bus Bunny, scooby-doo, freeze, tag Height and Go Seek Seeking my goals and reaching my peaks. He's seeking missile on anybody instrumental, if they really bringing that heat Fast on my feet. I ain't from running from that big ass dog that lived down the street when I was thirteen Sheesh, sheesh, uh. But now I'm from running this shit with my dogs and we off to China, we off the beach.

Speaker 1:

I ain't from waking up early on Sundays I had no choice in church every week, kinda ironic, cause. I ain't from making them praise days. When I preach We'll be right back. I roll up my sleeves and I did not think that I am a king. I am for me, that's all I can be. I am for I. Yeah, I am for dreams. I roll up my sleeves and I did not think that I am a king. I am for me, that's all I can be. I am for me, that's all I can be. I hear from dreams. I roll up my sleeves and I take my day and I am the king. I am for me, that's all I can be. I am for him. I have run.